BOS Nidhi Saving Account Deposit

A savings account is a deposit account that is typically offered by banks and credit unions. It allows individuals to deposit money into the account and earn interest on the balance over time. Savings accounts are considered a safe and secure way to store money while also allowing account holders to earn a small return on their savings. These accounts often have restrictions on the number of withdrawals that can be made each month and may require a minimum balance to be maintained to earn interest.


  • Helps to reach financial goals.
  • The interest amount will be credited at the end of the financial year.

Terms & Conditions

Required Documents

  • 2 Photographs (Passport size)
  • Xerox copies of PAN card.
  • Address Proof (Ration Card, Passport, Electricity Bill)
  • Photo Identification Proof (Passport, Voter ID, Driving License)

Our Planes

ROI(%P.A.) Minimum Balance (₹) Account Name (₹)
7.00% 500.00 Saving Account
7.50% 5000.00 Saving Plus
7.75% 1000.00 Saving Account(Senior Citizen)

Apply For Saving Account
